A short semi-horror narrative game written in Twine in an evenin'.

"Darkness creeps, 
Where lights fade, 
Dream like states, 
Our mind doth wade."

Without giving anything away.. just yet; The game features two major factors, one of which you have some control over, the other you do not.  There are 3 endings, altered by these factors and the choices you make.

False Positive draws from a situation from historical past 


By @LiamTwose (https://linktr.ee/liamTwose)

Video Game Designer, Developer and Producer, spanning 3 decades. Creator of #PitchYaGame and previously #30daydev.

Curator of the Global Games Industry Guide

Follow all their current games at https://liamtwose.itch.io including Gamma 5: Zero a classic RTS game inspired by the originals, including Dune 2, Dune 2000, Command & Conquer, KKND, Total Annihilation, Warzone 2100 and more.

Image by Aline Berry from Pixabay

Development log

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